Mocha Lip Balm


Who doesn’t love a great mocha? Espresso, chocolate, and cream, it’s a pretty delicious combo. Wake up your lips every morning with this delicious lip mocha balm.

The rich coffee flavor and cocoa butter tastes like a delightful mocha on your lips. Our blend of herb infused avocado oil, cocoa butter, and jojoba oil is nourishing and locks in moisture.

Additional information

Weight .3 oz
Dimensions 2.5 × .5 × .5 in


Coconut Oil*, Herb Infused Oil (Avocado oil*, Calendula*, Chamomile*), Beeswax, Cocoa Butter*, Jojoba Oil*, Vitamin E Oil*, Coffee Essential oil.

*Organic Ingredient

How to Use

How to use

Apply to lips when they feel dry, need protection or just when you want to enjoy the flavor of your favorite balm.

Shelf Life

We make our products in small batches, so they don’t sit around forever. That being said, lip balms are best used within six months of purchase (this stuff is good, you’ll use it up!) We don’t use toxic preservatives that make things last forever.


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